We are off to a fantastic start this year and our Wednesday and Saturday sessions at BFF Bikes are sold out. I know a lot of you have been out racing 'cross (or maybe not :) and might have missed the cut-off for PWP at BFF bikes. I’m super excited about the awesome enthusiasm but bummed that we had to close registration.
Due to the high interest, we are offering another PWP session on Sunday afternoons from 4-6 pm at BFF bikes starting in January.
If you are looking for help to get through a 2 hour bike work workout this winter, come join PWP on Sunday afternoons!
This time slot could fill up as well—so if you’d like to get in on this, sign up right away!
Location-- BFF Bikes 2113 W. Armitage
Every Sunday beginning January 4 and Ending Sunday March 22
12 sessions
Cost $179
To confirm your registration, send payment via Chase Quickpay to me at kmeshberg@comcast.net or via Paypal, same email. If you pay via paypal be sure to select “gift to friend” to avoid fees.
I hope this new day and time works for you! If not there is still space in the Hinsdale location on Thursday Nights and Sunday Mornings (info below).
Looking forward to seeing you!
Warm Regards,
Kristen Meshberg
USA Cycling Coach
Founder: Pedaling With a Purpose
Chicagoland’s Best Indoor Winter Training Program for Cyclists
USA Cycling Coach
Founder: Pedaling With a Purpose
Chicagoland’s Best Indoor Winter Training Program for Cyclists